Diagnostic Excellence: eGFR Toolkit

eGFR Toolkit Mission

To promote national implementation of the race-free eGFR equation in the screening, early detection, and management of kidney diseases.

  ASN eGFR Toolkit

The ASN eGFR Toolkit is here!

A key resource for kidney professionals on best practices for GFR testing, promoting early kidney disease detection, and advancing health equity.

Diagnostic Excellence: eGFR Toolkit Announcement

The ASN has been awarded a $100,000 grant by the Council of Medical Specialty Societies (CMSS) to promote the “Use and Understanding of the new eGFR Clinical Algorithm,” a core diagnostic tool to measure kidney function, recently updated to eliminate the racial disparities inherent in and perpetuated in the original algorithm.

Project Overview

The focus of this project is to create an implementation toolkit for health care professionals (e.g., general practitioners, endocrinologists, cardiologists) caring for people at risk and with kidney diseases.

The eGFR toolkit will:

  • Foster the adoption and use of the revised eGFR that no longer has a race modifier.
  • Promote screening, early detection, and management of kidney diseases.
  • Promote health equality in kidney health and medicine.

ASN and the eGFR Steering Committee will:

  • Conduct a needs assessment through a Roundtable discussion.
  • Develop educational materials to improve the understanding and use of the revised eGFR calculation.
  • Disseminate tools and communicate their importance to health care professionals.