C-ET Mission
To enhance the quality of life for people with kidney failure by engaging nephrologists as team leaders in transformational change that continuously improves the safety of life sustaining dialysis, specifically in the area of current and emerging bacterial, viral, and fungal threats which impact immunocompromised individuals with chronic kidney disease.
C-ET Spotlight
New COVID-19 Vaccine Recommendations
COVID-19 vaccine recommendations have been updated as of February 28, 2024, to recommend adults ages 65 years and over receive an additional updated 2023-2024 COVID-19 vaccine dose.
ACIP Vaccine-Specific Recommendations and Publications
The CDC provides vaccine-specific recommendations through their Advisory Committe on Immunization Practices (ACIP). Check out the latest ACIP recommendations using the link below. In addition, updates are published in “Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports” (MMWR). Search the MMWR publication for the most recent articles. Several suggested publications are provided with the buttons below.
Influenza (Flu) Resources
Be sure to take care of your health and your patients this flu season and check out the latest guidance, resources, and updates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website today!
COVID-19 Archive Files
The archived COVID-19 materials in the archive are offered for historical purposes only.
C-ET Resource Library Highlights
Standardization of Blood Culture Collection for Patients Receiving In-Center Hemodialysis
This document, developed by a workgroup of the ASN’s Nephrologists Transforming Dialysis Safety (NTDS), seeks to provide an accessible summary of information from published guidelines, reports and studies. Sample protocols for obtaining blood cultures and communication tools are provided. Collectively the information is intended to provide a reference for dialysis facilities as they develop facility-specific procedures, policies and protocols.